Friday, July 4, 2008

We're back on the web!

Hello dear family & friends! We have a new blogger address-it's and we have lots of new updates!

See you all soon!

Erin, Anthony, & Seamus

Friday, March 9, 2007

Hi, I'm Seamus & this is my blog. I'm 3 months old & I run this show. My mom & dad let me do anything I want; including, but not limited to:pooping all over, eating my hands & drooling all over their work clothes. I love: Pooping all over. Eating my hands. Drooling all over my parents' work clothes. Peeing on my mom. Talking to my friends that live over my crib. Eyeing that kid who lives above my swing with cautious interest. Blowing spit bubbles. Laughing at my Grandparents. Eating. Listening to music. Singing & dancing with my mom. Hanging out in the yard with my dad. Watching the TV. My mom wants to let you know that it's not really the TV, it's just a giant picture on the wall. I don't care, whatever it is, it's freaking cool.

I hate: Baths. Being naked. Having my diaper changed. Being left alone or put down after I've fallen asleep. Sleeping in general.